Colombia Offers Close-to-Home Trade and Investment Opportunities for U.S. Companies

By ProColombia

Tuesday, July 28, 2020



 Latin American Nation Strategically Positioned for Shifting Supply Chains in Post-COVID-19 World

WASHINGTON, July 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Embassy of Colombia in the United States and the country's trade and tourism agency, ProColombia, are on a virtual roadshow, showcasing Colombia as a strategic investment destination for U.S. companies and investors looking to do business closer to home in the wake of COVID-19.

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Just five hours from New York City by plane and with institutional stability, tax incentives and access through its export platform to more than 1.6 billion consumers, Colombia is an ideal location for increased American trade and investment.

"In this post-COVID-19 world we are seeing trade shift from East-West to North-South and from just-in-time to just-in-case," said Colombian Ambassador to the United States Francisco Santos. "Colombia is the gateway to the Americas. We are making sure our doors are open wide for business in this new world order of trade."

With U.S. investment in Colombia already exceeding USD$11.6 billion in the last five years, the United States is the world's largest investor and the main and most important commercial partner of Colombia. It is the main destination for Colombian exports, with 30 percent of international sales; the predominant origin of inbound tourism, with more than 530,000 travelers a year.

"Colombia is an ideal destination to mitigate the risks that the new dynamic of international trade brings in the post-COVID-19 era. Our nation has stood out for maintaining political stability and solidity in its institutions, which has led it to be one of the strongest democracies in Latin America and to position itself as one of the largest foreign direct investment recipients in the region," said ProColombia President Flavia Santoro.

For Kendra Gaither, Executive Director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce "The presence of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia, Colombia's commitment to international best practices, a growing and diverse economy and strong collaboration with like-minded partners in the business community make Colombia an attractive market for American companies."

"Many entrepreneurs in Atlanta and the southeastern United States are not yet aware of Colombia´s proximity and business potential," said Global Atlanta Editor-in-Chief Trevor Williams.

The virtual tour will continue August 11, with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, followed by the Colombia Investment Summit, October 7- 9 and other virtual events across the United States.

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